
Project Management

Rubin's expertise in various large-scale engineering projects ensures successful implementation of virtually any project notwithstanding of hardships and risks inherent in innovative undertakings.

Our high research and engineering influence enables us to involve leading Russian and international research and industrial companies from various fields into solving complicated technical problems and coordinate their activities.  For many years we have been successfully cooperating with the leading companies in shipbuilding, power, transport and instrument engineering, and other fields.



Rubin has accumulated extensive experience in designing complex engineering objects for military and civil applications. The Company provides the full engineering cycle from the concept to detailed design documents, including:

  • shipbuilding calculations (buoyancy, stability, unsinkability, weight load, propulsion capacity, steerability, roll/pitch, dynamics in specific conditions) for submarines, surface ships (both naval and civil) and offshore structures;

  • strength calculations for hulls of submarines and ships, offshore structures, railroad cars and other objects;

  • SIL analysis, risk analysis, survivability assessment for emergency situations;

  • power plant design;  control system software development;

  • electric power systems, power grids, electric propulsion systems, process control systems, local control systems, electrical work procedures and documents;

  • ventilation, AC, fire fighting, compressed air, heating, cooling, gas monitoring, drain, hydraulic and water systems;

  • offshore process facilities;

  • marine operations;

  • construction techniques, selection of coatings and corrosion protection means;

  • delivery lists for components, equipment, spare parts and accessories.

Support during Construction and Commissioning

Rubin offers on-site supervision, technical and process solutions for construction yards, their subcontractors and clients during construction and trials; design documentation can be updated on demand. Rubin specialists also provide technical supervision and deadline control. After the construction is completed, we support the object commissioning for operation.

Follow-on Supervision

Complex engineering objects are designed for decades of operation with the same performance to be retained throughout their life. Rubin provides follow-on supervision for everything constructed to our designs, which ensures the desired level of performance throughout the operation.  New projects are based on the experience gained from these activities.

Support of Scheduled Repairs and Retrofit

In modern engineering products, a large number of components in systems and equipment become obsolete earlier than their life time expires. Keeping an object functional throughout the whole period of its service requires modernization which allows keeping its performance up to the up-to-date technical level.

Rubin offers the surveys and other works to provide service for the developed equipment and ensures training for the client's personnel to do the works. The company produces documents for repairs and modification of the designed objects and provides technical support. In our activities we consider specific conditions of the object operation, available maintenance infrastructure and personnel qualifications.